Literary Connections: making the right connections with literature
Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti
The Brontes
Poems by the
Brontë family

Victorian poetry

This is one of a series of pages on Victorian literature; use the links in the menu on the left to navigate to the other pages on general materials, drama and prose.

The AQA course, AS Level English Literature A, requires the study of one post-1990 text; such texts are indicated here.

AQA poetry texts for Unit 1
Wider reading in Victorian poetry
  • Matthew Arnold
  • Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Robert Browning
  • Arthur Clough
  • Emily Dickinson
  • Gerald Manley Hopkins
  • A E Housman
  • George Meredith
  • Christina Rossetti (Penguin Classics new edition linked: others available)
  • Algernon Swinburne
  • Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  • Walt Whitman

If you are teaching or studying the AQA course it is essential to refer to the AQA specification to ensure that you are reading the right texts and meeting all the requirements!

Links are provided to the editions specified by AQA; other texts will be linked as time permits, though appropriate alternative editions should be suitable.

On poets and poetry
Useful websites
Finding poetry texts online
See the usual sources of online texts listed on the literature links page, in particular: